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Summer Reading Challenge 2021

Many students and families regard summer break as just that—a break from school and classroom studies.  Unfortunately, it often means a break from reading, which can seriously hamper achievement in the classroom.  There’s a solid link between the amount of independent reading children do and their success in school.  Research shows that kids who never crack open a book during the summer often fall behind in reading—the notorious “summer slide”—while kids who read, maintain or  improve their reading and learning skills.

I invite you to support your child in the Sunset Summer Reading Challenge.  There are two levels of participation:

  1. Adventurer completes a Public Library Reading program OR completes the activities on the challenge sheet. 

  2. Explorer participates in a Public Library Reading program AND at least 20 activities on the challenge sheet.

Return a signed challenge sheet by August 28th to your librarian in order to be eligible for prizes.  There are other summer reading challenges available! How many can you complete?