Kids’ Cove: Before and After Care
Christine Toy
Phone: (405) 726-3836
Send Email to Christine.Toy@edmondschools.net
Kids Cove Direct Cell Phone :(405) 999-2868
We welcome you and your child to the Sunset & Edmond Public Schools Before / After School Program. Our goal is to provide a safe, healthy, and fun environment while striving to meet the needs of your child. We hope to offer activities that will keep your child active and interested. The program is staffed primarily by Edmond Public Schools faculty / staff. The program provides service to children grades PK-5th, currently enrolled at this site. We reserve the right to limit the number of children admitted to our Before! After School Program due to safety and amount of building space.
Payments Monthly payment may be made in advance or at the beginning of each month. All weekly payments are due on WEDNESDAY or the first day your child is here. A late payment fee of $15 will be charged if payment has not been received by Thursday at 6 pm. Payment must be for the scheduled days and times you have enrolled. Refunds and/or reductions will not be made for illnesses, absences, and other activities. You are charged for the number of days you signed up. Payment can be made with check, online, or also with cash. When writing a check, please write the dates you are paying for on the memo line and your child’s name. In the event school is closed, due to a holiday, snow day, etc., you will not be charged for that day. For example, if your child is enrolled 5 days and school is only open 4 days you will be charged the 4 day rate on the payment scale for that week. We will not pro-rate fees. Please make all checks payable to Sunset Elementary. Please see the forms on the left of the page. All appropriate forms must be filled out for enrollment.
Hours of Operation: 7:00-8:15 a.m. 3:45-5:30 p.m.
Children may begin arriving at 7:00 a.m. Children are to be picked up by 5:30 p. m. A late fee of $1 per minute will be charged for any children remaining after 5:40 p.m. The late fee will be due at the time the child is picked up. The program runs in conjunction with the Edmond Public School’s academic calendar. We are closed during all scheduled breaks. (i.e. holidays, spring break, snow days, etc.)
For safety purposes, it is imperative we can account for your child at all times in which they are enrolled. You must notify the director in the event your child is absent or leaves school early. You are responsible for paying for all days your child is enrolled, regardless of absences.
The door that you will drop of/pick up your child is on 9th Street. Go to the west end of Sunset Elementary to the last sidewalk. There is a set of double doors. There will be a Kids' Cove sign on the door and a doorbell. Please ring the doorbell and someone will come to greet you at the door.
Signing In/Out:
For your peace of mind and the safety of your child, all children will be checked in or out by a Kids’ Cove employee. Children will not be released without your authorization and appropriate identification. If you have an emergency and need someone to pick up your child who is not on their emergency contacts, please make sure to let us know by texting or calling the Kids’ Cove phone. When they arrive to check out your child, they will need to provide their ID to us. Older children may not sign themselves in or out!
A nutritious snack will be served each day. Please let us know if your child has any food allergies.
The program will provide time for homework, large motor play, arts & crafts, games, and creative play. When weather permits, the children will be allowed to play outside utilizing the school’s playground equipment. Students may work on their homework and will be assisted with homework, but there is not a “tutoring / teaching” session. It is the child’s responsibility to complete homework.
In order to provide your child with appropriate and safe care, we have established discipline procedures.
The parents will be contacted when there are behavior problems.
Should the behavior continue, the parent will be contacted to pick the child up early.
If the behavior does not stop, the child will be dismissed from the program.
In Case of Emergencies:
If a child should become ill, with a fever or anything we feel could be detrimental to the child or other children, we will notify a parent to pick up their child immediately. If any of your contact numbers should change during the school year, please notify the director so our records stay current. We need to be able to contact you at all times and in case of an emergency.
There are links to the applications attached or you can pick one up at the school. Please click on the correct link below to fill out an application for your child. You can then bring a copy of the application to the school, or email it to one of the co-directors.
Click HERE for PreKindergarten and Kindergarten Application
Click HERE for First Grade through Fifth Grade Application
Rates for Grades 1st-5th
#of Days | Before Only | After Only | Before & After Care |
5 | $56 | $83 | $114 |
4 | $48 | $72 | $99 |
3 | $38 | $57 | $80 |
2 | $31 | $45 | $66 |
1 | $18 | $27 | $39 |
Rates for Pre-K and Kindergarten
#of Days | Before Only | After Only | Before & After Care |
5 | $61 | $89 | $119 |
4 | $52 | $76 | $103 |
3 | $41 | $60 | $83 |
2 | $33 | $47 | $68 |
1 | $19 | $28 | $40 |